Prettier and VSCode

Basic usage of prettier formatter with VSCode Install prettier as your project dependency / dev-dependency (with npm or your desidered repo) Create a file called .prettierrc with basic options to share with your team member and commit it in the root directory of your project If you would like to Read more…

VsCode custom snippets

Base configuration VsCode snippets To create a custom vscode code snippets it’s pretty straightforward Navigate inside vscode File -> Preferences -> User Snippets Select the one based in the visibility In this example “new global snippets file” (with ubuntu it’s saved into ~/.config/Code/User/snippets) The following code defines two snippets: when Read more…

Fun with shell prompt – $PS1

PS1 is a primary prompt variable. This variable displays a default structure to the user that makes a login Standard ubuntu The standard ubuntu PS1 variable looks like: alberto@alberto-5490:~$ Test To test your settings export the PS1 variable with your settings: Make it permanent To make your settings permanent edit your Read more…

Log/Trace SOAP XML message spring boot

A short guide that briefly explain how to trace all inbound/outbound SOAP XML messages produced with java ws library. In this case it’s used the following implementation of java ws. Set into the “jvmArgs” a “true” the option “” Now all the SOAP messages will be logged on the standard Read more…

Remote debug spring boot

A short guide that briefly explain how to remote debug using visual studio code in a spring boot project gradle based. Spring configuration Open your spring project, detect the build.gradle file and edit as follow add to “jvmArgs” the JDWP configuration passing the address properly (it is possible also to Read more…