Network manager CLI
Network manager CLI (nmcli) is a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and reporting network status. I personally use it to connect / disconnect pre-configured VPNs Here some useful commands Assign static ip
Network manager CLI (nmcli) is a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and reporting network status. I personally use it to connect / disconnect pre-configured VPNs Here some useful commands Assign static ip
The java library SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat) cannot be considered thread safe and the programmer should avoid the usage in a multi thread environment. The problem is based on the way it’s implemented To fix the problem there are 3 main ways: To create a new instance of SimpleDateFormat for each usage Read more…
Here a simple snippet to merge a local branch excluding a file. This is case “myfile.txt”
Here a simple guide to convert any rtsp stream to a virtual device that you can use inside your favourite video chat. Check your stream Firstly check your input stream that is working correctly A simple method could be using “VLC”, media, open network stream Create a new video device Read more…
The IDE Visual Studio Code has a fully integrated debug that allows the developer to work proficiently with multi-languages support. In this case we are interesting in debug a node.js application (javascript or typescript) To debug a node.js app we have to choises launch, the ide launch the application attach, Read more…
The aim of this experiment is to compare the languages that I daily use with Rust to understand better its potential. I build the same webserver in four languages (php, node, java and rust) and I exposed 3 apis: “/” that replies with a json payload “/html” that replies with Read more…
It happens that you are connected via shell to a remote server and you don’t have your “normal” working tool. Here a couple of command to unpack / repack a war file via command line using only “unzip” and “zip” linux programs.
Here a simple approch to serve static content using a node.js server. It allows any origins The intent is for DEV purposes, is not a prod ready snippet
If you would like to test an endpoint ab is a good program to use it ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs. This especially shows you how many requests Read more…
Command line syntax using maven Example of login credential inside xml file