Common commands

Here a list of the most common vim commands

h (left) 
j (down) 
l (right)
i (insert left to the cursors)
I (insert beginning of the line)
a (append right to the cursor)
A (append end of the line)
x (ex-out text)
r (replace a character)
o (insert line below current line
O (insert a line above current line)

dd (cut row)
yy (copy row)
p (paste)

w (next word)
e (end of the word)
b (begin of the word)

H (beginning of the screen)
L (end of the screen)

$ (end of line)
:$ (end of the file)
gg (first row)
G (last row)
0 (begin of the line)

d (delete text)
c (change text)
y and p (yank text and paste text)
v (select text in visual mode)

 yiw (copy current word)
 viw + y to select and copy
 % - begin or end bracket

2dd (cut 2 lines)
10j (go down 10 lines)
10k (go up di 10 lines)
10G or :10 (go to line 10)

:set nu (set line number)
:noh (delete hightlight)

Change git default editor to vim

git config --global core.editor vim

Comment out with # from line 10 to line 110



:/ (search forward)
:? (search backward)
###### once searched then...
n (next occurrence forward)
N (next word occurrence backward)
###### escape
\ is used as escape character
###### example
To find "" inside a text
Categories: Bash


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