Clone existing repo

git clone https://<path>

Align remote changes

git fetch

Align remote changes inside local repo

git pull

Merge a remote repo inside your local

git checkout <local>
git pull origin <remote>

Create new branch

# Create a new branch starting from the current code
git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
# Create a new branch given a SHA
git checkout -b <branch> <sha>

Check status

git status

Create new branch

git checkout -b <new_branch_name>

Push new branch

git push -u origin <new_branch_name>

Commit changes

git commit -m "change name"

List git branches that contain a given commit

If you need to know which are the branches that contains a certain commit, git is your friend

# local branches
git branch --contains <commit_hash>
# remote branches
git branch -a --contains <commit_hash>

Save git credential locally

# your credential will be stored ~/.git-credential after the first push
git config credential.helper store
git push
# unset saved credential
git config --global --unset credential.helper
# open the git-credentials file located in the home of the current user and delete the proper entry
user@localhost:~$ vim /home/user/.git-credentials

Check the attached remote repo

git remote -v
# origin  https://<path>/<repo>.git (fetch)
# origin  https://<path>/<repo>.git (push)
# #####
# change repo remote url
git remote set-url origin https://<address>.git

Remove git ssl check

# not recommended
git config --global http.sslVerify false

Delete branch local repo

git branch -d <branch_name>
# force delete
git branch -D <branch_name>

Delete all local branches except branch name

git branch | grep -v <branch_name>| xargs git branch -d

Delete all local branches already merged in master

git branch --merged master --no-color | grep -v master | grep -v stable | xargs git branch -d

Delete remote branch

git branch -D <branch_name>
# remote_origin is origin if is in the root
# remote_name most of the times is equal to branch_name
git push <remote_origin> --delete <remote_name>

Rename branch

git checkout <old_branch>
git branch -m <new_branch>
# push the new branch remotely
git push -u origin <new_branch>
# delete the old branch remotely
git push --delete origin <old_branch>

Revert last commit

# reset last commit
git reset HEAD~1
# reset and discard files
git reset --hard HEAD~1
# if it is already pushed on origin
git push -f <origin> <remote_branch_name>

Git show

Useful command when git does not resolve automatically conflicts between files or git does not understand properly the conflict (for example someone has formatted badly the entire file)

# create the merged file
user@localhost: git show :1:./Filename.ext > ./  
# create the local version of the file (mine)
user@localhost: git show :2:./Filename.ext > ./   
# create the remote version of the file (theirs)
user@localhost: git show :3:./Filename.ext > ./

Git show useful script

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Param is empty"
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
    `git show :2:./$1 > ./$1.LOCAL`
    `git show :3:./$1 > ./$1.REMOTE`
    `git show :2:./$1 > ./$1.LOCAL.$2`
    `git show :3:./$1 > ./$1.REMOTE.$2`

# add the alias git-show if you like in the .bashrc file
# alias git-show='sh ~/<path>/'

To see differences without creating a file it’s possibile to use “git mergetool” command and select your favourite editor (ex: meld)

Cleanup the local references to remote branch

git remote prune origin

Show only modified lines

git diff --unified=0

Push local branch from repo A to repo B

# repoA == origin
# repoB == origin2
git remote add origin2
# check results
git remote -v
git push origin2 local_branch:new_repo_branch

Interested in Git cherry pic ?

Interested in Git merge branch excluding a file ?

Categories: Bash


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