

Flameshot is a powerful and simple-to-use screenshot software Here a mini guide to install and setup in ubuntu 24.04 LTS, XDG wayland Install Flameshot on startup go to startup application select flameshot and press edit Read more…

Setup OpenVPN in 10 minutes

Few steps to setup in 10 minutes a OpenVPN server inside a Docker in your VPS. Requirements Docker Docker compose Docker compose setup note: static-network is optional, just in case you would like to access Read more…

nc – netcat

The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets. It can open TCP connections, send UDP packets, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, Read more…

Gitlab private workflow – vscode plugin

Simple snippet to start vscode with gitlab workflow plugin that uses a PRIVATE workflow instance. Passing GITLAB_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_URL and GITLAB_WORKFLOW_TOKEN as environment variables you can workaround unpleasant internal settings:

Deck usage

Deck is a program that helps to upload and sync different kong configuration via command line Install Curl installation. Edit properly the version tag. Make sure that the machine you install deck reaches correctly kong Read more…

Npm increment version

A simple snippet to increment your NPM version without any further step Prerelease 0.0.1-develop.1 > 0.0.1-develop.2 Patch 0.0.1 > 0.0.2 Minor 0.0.2 > 0.1.0 Major 0.1.0 > 1.0.0