Here a simple tool to calculate the numeric (octal) permission for unix based systems files and folders.

Owner Group Other

In the following case the file named "file.txt" has got

  • read and write permissions for the owner user
  • read and write permission for the group of user
  • read permission for the other
[user@localhost]:~/tmp$ ls -lah file.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 0 mar 17 23:28 file.txt

In order to change the above permission to

  • read write and execute for the user
  • read and execute for the group
  • read and execute for others

we can use the command chmod in the following way

# chmod <octal_value> <filename>
# use -R for recursive
# * wildcard is permitted
[user@localhost]:~/tmp$ chmod 755 file.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 0 mar 17 23:29 file.txt